Thank you for visiting ANGFA Victoria's website. We are a not for profit, non government group of native fish enthusiasts working toward promoting a better understanding and conservation of native fishes in Australia and New Guinea. Aquarium keeping helps with the understanding part of working with native fishes. Our members breed and distribute the largest collection of rainbowfish in Victoria. It's a great opportunity to learn everything there is to know about native fish, create your own stunning display and have fun as part of a very social group.
ANGFA's Code: Promoting the conservation, study, keeping and propagation of the native fish species of Australia and New Guinea.
History: ANGFA was formed in 1982 by a group of hobbyists whose interests were in the conservation, keeping, breeding and studying of the fishes of Sahul - pronounced Sa-hule. This name refers to the Australian land mass up to about 10,000 years ago when land bridges existed between Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea.
ANGFA Victoria holds meetings every second month from February, and is held on the first Friday of that month. Check the "Next Meeting" page for details. To subscribe to ANGFA Victoria's RSS feed, click on the RSS button below
or at the top of the webpage.